Here is an insight into Shaktipaatham and Kundalini awakening. Sri Ramanananda Maharshi has performed Shaktipaatham to thousands of devotees and they have experienced peace.
So how does it work? How to awaken Kundalini?
One should become perfectly desireless and should be full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken Kundalini. It can be awakened only when a man rises above Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha,Mada and Matsarya. Kundalini can be awakened through rising above desires of the senses. The Yogi, who has got a pure heart and a mind free from passions and desires will be benefited by awakening Kundalini.
A person must have purity first; then a thorough knowledge of the Sadhana, a steady, gradual practice and most importantly a proper Guru...It is due to our merits in previous births that we have found our ParamaGuru Shirdi Sai and Living SadGuru Sri Ramanananda Maharshi.
sthàvaram jangamam vyàptam yatkincit sacaràcaram |
tatpadam darsitam yena tasmai srigurave namah ||
“Salutations to the Guru who has made it possible to realise Him by whom all this world, animate and inanimate, movable and immovable, is pervaded.”