An excellent ebook for Shirdi Sai devotees. These are Divine Nectar words from Shirdi Sai Anugraha Peetam Peetadipathi Sri Ramanananda Maharshi Swami. Please do read and try to contemplate on those words.
I am hereby providing some sayings (from the book)
1) There is no greater soul who is omniscient and omnipotent than Shirdi Sai in the entire kaliyuga and even in all the four yugas.
2) The path of Shirdi Sai is the path of Love. The greater your Love, the greater is HIS benevolence.
3) Meditation without Love is a waste. Study of Shastras without Love is a time waste. It is futile to serve Guru without Love.
4) Love for Guru would generate only when you surrender your ego to Him.
5) The transmission of Guru's yogic power on Sadhaka is called Shaktipatha (Shaktipatham).
Guru awakens the Kundalini hidden in 'Mooladhara' chakra through Shaktipatam.
Ramanananda Maharshi Swami gives Shaktipatam to ardent seekers who have complete faith in the Guru. Please visit the web site for future programs of Shirdi Sai Anugraha Peetam.